
Thursday, November 18, 2010


So last night I had the hubs make me a cappochino way to late in the evening and ultimately did not sleep well.  Why do I do that to myself?  I LOVE LOVE coffee and really drink way more of it than I should.... Going on the list of behaviors I want to change.  when I am tired and worn out I often think of

Isaiah 40:31 

31 but those who hope in the LORD 
   will renew their strength. 
They will soar on wings like eagles; 
   they will run and not grow weary, 
   they will walk and not be faint.

I find great comfort in knowing that no matter what my savior will get me through!  

So I have been thinking a lot about gluttony with the holidays upon us and really feel like this year we are scaling back.  We say that every year and never do.  I Love CHRISTmas and so does every other member of our family.  We do not over do birthdays...we can stick to our budget on Birthdays but for whatever reason we can not stick to it at CHRISTmas. However we always pay in cash!!! We have never used a credit card for CHRISTmas.  We don't use credit cards period!!!  but this year we even bought and gave 2 of the kids an expensive early gift.  We generally do not buy random gifts for the kids they have what they need and do not feel the need to shower them with gifts.  We shower them with Love, family time, hugs, kisses, warm food, roof over their heads and all the things they need.  In general my family has a heart for giving more so than receiving.  We celebrate the real reason for the season....God sending his Son to live and die for our sins, the birth of our Savior.   So why is it at CHRISTmas we over do it?  Is it a form of gluttony?  I mean really do we need all this stuff?  It is just stuff right?  Are we as a family sugar coating the real reason for the season? are we doing enough?  Could we do more?  Give more?  Has the Holiday become routine?  I think this year we will find some new traditions that will allow us to give more, God has blessed us and I want to be a blessing to others, an example of Gods love.  I think I will make a list of what we do, and see if I can find some new things we can do!  Some new meaningful traditions.    I hope you do as well!  

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