
Monday, November 15, 2010


Today started off just like any other Sunday.....We got up got ready for church, ran out the door hurried, went to church, taught Sunday School which by the way is a blessing!!  We(hubby and I)  had no Idea when we accepted the position of teaching the Junior High class that we would be blessed, and transformed in the way that we have which makes it a blessing to teach these kids.  Today we had 2 visitors....and the only bad thing about visitors in a junior high class is how hard it is to get quality time with a visitor when you have 15 "regular kids" in there all in a hurry to tell you about their week.  I really feel like we fail in this department miserably!!!  I always feel like we could do better with visitors.  Did we make them feel welcomed and included?  did we give them the idea that we are fun but yet serious?  Did they feel comfortable?  Were we polite?  (we as in the whole class, cause with 7th and 8th graders this can be a real issue)  I know we can do better and need to come up with a plan of action for when we have visitors.  If you have suggestions or know something that has worked for you I would love to hear about it!!

We also spent some quality time with a young man from our Youth Group today.  He started coming to our church for all the wrong reasons but has come to know the Lord and really started building a relationship with God for all the right reasons.    His life is being transformed and we are happy to be a positive influence for him as well as a safe place to fall when he needs it.  He is being a good influence on his younger siblings who have both accepted Christ and have been baptized as well.  Not because anyone is telling them to but because each of them have felt the need to and are doing this all on their own accord.

Today while spending time with him we had a great discussion on how he could better be a witness to his family.  (He brought it up, not us)  This young man doesn't have a good influence at home, and doesn't have a good home life.  I was very proud of him today for his yearning to be a witness to the adult members of his family and I am going to be in prayer about this and how God wants to use me in this situation.

I will leave you today with this scripture:  119th Psalm 9-16

 9 How can a young man keep his way pure? 
   By living according to your word. 
10 I seek you with all my heart; 
   do not let me stray from your commands. 
11 I have hidden your word in my heart 
   that I might not sin against you. 
12 Praise be to you, O LORD; 
   teach me your decrees. 
13 With my lips I recount 
   all the laws that come from your mouth. 
14 I rejoice in following your statutes 
   as one rejoices in great riches. 
15 I meditate on your precepts 
   and consider your ways. 
16 I delight in your decrees; 
   I will not neglect your word.

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