
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Miracle Birthday!!!

Today our baby girl turned 15!  wow!  I can't believe it either.  She was the baby that the Doc said I couldn't conceive, but I did.  The baby that beat all the odds against her, the baby that made me fight the fight of my life.  She was born on July 28th , a baby born 12 weeks early to a mommy fighting Cervical cancer and stage 4 endometriosis.  During delivery I passed out when I saw her heart rate drop, and the look on the nurses face.  When I finally came to about 40 hours after her delivery (I had been whisked away to surgery, blood transfusion, a tubal litigation, biopsy, 17 cysts removed, multiple other tests and procedures done in a heroic effort to save my life.)  I looked at Kev and he says, "you did good, she is beautiful!  She is really healthy, the baby doc says we have one tough little girl, just like her mommy."  I asked what did you name her?  (we never picked out a name, I wanted him to name her, I didn't know if I would be around.)  He says "Shania" I thought I would lose my mind are you kidding me?  what was he thinking?  Our kids have names w/ meaning, w/ a story.  knowing me and what was racing through my mind before I could say what I was thinking he says "Shania in indian means I am on my way."  I gave her the middle names of Jo after you and Lynn after your baby sister"  (baby sister helped take care of me and the older 2 kids during the pregnancy so Kevin could work and provide for us)  I just cried!  He really had thought it out, her name had meaning, it had a story, but best of all it had a happy story.  The doc got all of the cancer, I was gonna be fine!  Praise God for the miracle of life, for the miracle of a micro premie that fought the odds and won, and continues to amaze us daily.  To look at her now you would never know the fight she fought, or how for 7 months we fought it together.  If ever you question there is a God, or if He is still in the Miracle business let me assure you he is just look at this Miracle, the answer to many prayers.  

ok so she is way more precious these days when she is She is my angel baby!   My sunshine on a cloudy day!  Our Rainbow bright, and her daddy's girl!   

Here is a pic of her at dinner after 8th grade graduation back in May.  I have Birthday pics to post but will do that tomorrow!!

Thank you Jesus for answering all of my prayers for her, even when I didn't deserve your attention.  Thank you for blessed assurance that you were always with me in those dark days carrying both of us  in your loving arms.  Thank you for entrusting me to care for her, love her and teach her about you Lord.  Thank you for making her in your image!  and May she always know how amazing we think she is and that our love for her is with out end just as your love for us is.  Amen  

Have a great day!!!  

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